Hackathon Insights

Hackathon Registration

  • Participants only need to fill the Google form for the hackathon
  • This chat is for everyone interested in seeing what was built during the hackathon
  • Register for a hackathon invite to the BLR venue: https://forms.gle/UizUwyKi4bajt6WB7

GPT Hype

  • Discussion about the hype surrounding GPT
  • Question about whether it is different from the Google form for the hackathon

Company Participation

  • Discussion about the lack of company participation in the hackathon
  • Someone from the company is encouraged to sign up to participate


  • Question about whether anyone has access to Runwayml
  • No further discussion or context provided

The description and link can be mismatched because of extraction errors.

  • Register here for a hackathon invite to the BLR venue: https://forms.gle/UizUwyKi4bajt6WB7 (Participants may not need to fill it)
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VdMgPgicvK4: Registrations shall come :P. Anyone with access to Runwayml?